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Concerns and recommendations of the Migrant Working Group (MWG) Regarding labour issues in the Draft Act for the amendment of the Royal Ordinance on Fisheries B.E. 2558 B.E…..

The Migrant Working Group (MWG) looks forward the progress of fisheries sector and fisheries-related sectors and to be better recognized in international forums and international trade forums. Therefore, regarding the holistic approach to manufacturing, management and protection, we assert that labour issues are key to ensuring the management of sustainable, legal and fair fisheries sector.

Briefing on Thailand’s Fisheries Legislation Developments

Based on EJF’s analysis, there are at least 17 concerning Articles across the eight drafts that would erode many of the transparency, sustainability and labour protection achievements secured over the last eight years. EJF provides an in-depth assessment of the seven most pressing issues below. A full comparison of the 17 articles is provided on pages 16-20. The analysis of all eight drafts indicates that the draft from the Move Forward Party is the most “extreme” in terms of its revisions.

Public statement on stance and recommendations of the Migrant Working Group (MWG) On the Thai government before the election of the members of the UN Human Rights Council

The Migrant Working Group (MWG) and its alliance of human rights and civil society networks have proposed these recommendations and demands to the Thai government for the development of measures to protect and defend human rights, particularly among migrant workers and asylum seekers as follows; 

The situation and policy recommendations for refugees and asylum seekers

The risks faced by refugees Most are individuals who have entered the city illegally or reside without permission. They are at risk of being apprehended, detained indefinitely, and forcibly returned to their home country. There is also a risk of exploitation by state authorities in ways that contravene the law. Assistance from the UN and NGOs is limited, and accessing basic services provided by the government, such as education and healthcare, is challenging. Understanding of the criteria and guidelines for alternative detention (ATD-MOU) for children awaiting deportation.

Joint Civil Society Statement Concerning Thailand's Fishing Sector at a Critical Crossroads

We emphasise that the new Thai government should follow a clear precautionary approach that follows scientific principles, rather than prioritising short-term industry gains over long-term stability, sustainability, and respect for human and labour rights. Importantly, any revisions to law and regulations must be participatory, with substantive inclusion of all relevant stakeholders, including the commercial fishing sector, seafood producers, artisanal fishing associations, trade unions, civil society organisations, migrant workers and crews, and academic institutions.